Sunday, January 4, 2009


Hello girls and welcome to my new blog! Some of you may already be familiar with my and my story but for those of you who aren't I will tell you my weight gain and then loss story.

This is my and my hubby this summer!

This was me though the summer before, 170 lbs and my heaviest.

I was REALLY skinny till I was about 17. My friends in high school would joke that they didn't see me standing there because I was turned sideways. I went to work at a camp the summer between my Junior and Senior year where I worked as a cook. I gained weight from my time there and it didn't help that I didn't participate in springboard diving my senior year. I went off to college the next year and you all know that means the freshman 15. It all added up to weight gain and me being heavier than I ever expected to be. I walked 4 miles a day the summer after freshman year with a friend and was able to lose 17 lbs. I kept it off the next year of school until I started dating my husband. We went out to eat every night and I was so busy with him that I didn't have time to walk that summer. I started to gain but my biggest gain was after our wedding.
I would try and follow the fad diets I had heard about but they made me gain weight rapidly. I was trying not to eat carbs and was eating a thing of Brie every few days. Cheese isn't carbs and that's Atkins right? I also tried the lemonade diet but decided it wasn't for me when I was sitting on the toilet and throwing up into a bucket on my lap.
I had heard about Weight Watchers but that's for old frumpy ladies who sit around and be fat right? I also hadn't heard of anyone who had tried it. All of a sudden I heard of multiple people who had lost weight on it. I signed up for it online and lost some weight. I wasn't super motivated though and ended up hitting 170 the summer of 2007 on my one year wedding anniversary. I also had an amazing friend who wanted me to go to meetings with her and said she would pay for it if I went. I finally found something that stuck and was working!! I have lost over 30 lbs now from a 14 to a size 8. I am so excited to see how much farther I can go!
I know that a lot of you may only be doing online but try and check out a meeting, it will change your life as well.


  1. I can't wait to follow both of your blogs now! I'm always so inspired by your story, thank you for starting this blog to focus on the weight loss!

  2. Yay! It's great to see your new blog. Can't wait for the posts!

  3. WW really had worked for me - i lost 26lbs last year and put some back on over the holidays (+4) - but I am ready to recommint to WW!

  4. So what do you like so much about WW? I've heard great things about it on here.. and contemplating joining. I'm sure I can fit it into my budget somehow!
    Thanks! <3

  5. I have thought about joining weight watchers for a while now with my sister in law and you have just convinced me :) I have a similar story with yo-yo weight gain that took off after my wedding 6 months ago :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. I am so glad that you started this blog :)

  7. This blog has come at the exact time I needed it! I have just started counting my points TODAY! I have gained 25 lbs since meeting my fiance and I am getting married in October. I want to lose 30 by my wedding day! Thank you so much for starting this blog its a great inspiration!!

  8. Wow! I was so excited to see this on Mojito Maven's post just now. You look so great, and congratulations on your success!!

    My story sounds a lot like yours...only I tried WW 5 years ago before my wedding and lost about 15 pounds in 3 months, kept the weight off for several months, but it slowly crept back and I was back to 140 before I knew it. Now, almost 2 years after having my first baby, I am still trying to lose those last 8 pounds to get back to pre-baby weight. Ideally, I would like to lose about 10 more lbs on top of that!

    Anyway, I started counting points again on Saturday and working out on my elliptical again! This blog will definitely help keep me accountable! Thanks so much!! :)

  9. I think it's great that you are doing this :) yay!

  10. While I'm not on WW or any "diet" right now, I had much success with WW. I did so well that I no longer need to diet, WW taught me a lot. I believe VERY strongly in core program. Best of luck to you! You can do it!
