Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Let's talk about alcohol

Why is Weight Watchers so amazing? You can eat anything you desire as long as you fit it into your points. This obviously includes alcohol.
I have had a few of you ask me about it so I figured I would talk about it. I love wine and at times I include it in my daily points. I also like a light beer every once and a while. It is very easy to fit both of these in because it they are low in points, 2 each serving.
We all know what happens when we start to drink though. We have one drink and it turns into another, this turns into drunken cravings and ransacking your kitchen for foods to put you over your daily points. Trust me I know, last night I was right on track for my points till I had 2 beers. Before I knew it I was eating leftover chocolate and pizza, my husbands otherwise it would never be in our house. I was very tempted tonight to go and pick up a bottle of wine. As much as I would enjoy it right now I am forcing myself to stay home because I know what will happen if I give in. One thing I have found that works is to make sure you drink a huge glass of water before and after. For me it is about drinking fluid not the alcohol, I am just as content when I do this.
So yes you can drink on ww but what happens when you include it?


  1. Hmm, I am not much of a drinker. But great post!

  2. Hi! I have never posted before but I am an avid reader. I joined WW on Dec. 31 because what better time to restart your life! I am about 20 pounds away from my goal weight and you make a good point because one drink turns into two or three...or half a bottle of wine depending on the night! We don't keep alcohol in the house because I just love wine. I haven't had any since starting WW and would rather eat my points than drink them! Thanks for the great posts. Keep it up!!

  3. Gosh...that makes me sound like a total lush. I am not a big drinker- just love a few glasses of wine every now and then ;) Don't judge!! Haha!

  4. that is why i have 1-2 cocktails/wine on my one "blow it" night. i don't keep liquor in our house, but i do order it when we go out to eat on fridays or saturdays...plus this way when i order it out i won't order as much because it is $$$. If I combine the liquor with my splurge night where i use my 35 flex points then i am less likely to go overboard.

  5. and the drinks i like are wayyy more that 2 pts - its a bummer!
