Monday, July 27, 2009

Would you?

I made sure that I hurried home today to watch Kristie Alley talk about gaining back the weight on Oprah. She keeps talking about how she is researching her own weight loss program.
The big question is would you try her weight loss program?


  1. I don't think I would -- she admits she has a very adictive personality (ie, drug & food abuse) and that she'd lost 20+ lbs in something like 5 weeks. I have a feeling her weight loss program would be very limiting and insane for a brief period of time (until desired results are reached) but something that I wouldn't be able to sustain as part of a long-term lifestyle change.

  2. What is her plan? I don't watch Oprah and have no idea what she's doing? What's wrong with promoting everything in moderation plus exercise? Like WW does!

  3. I am perfectly happy with WW. It works best for me!

  4. Another weight loss program? No, not for me. There are more than enough program, pills, plans, etc. The real issue is that we all just need to buckle down and make it happen for ourselves. :) Hard ... but the truth.


  5. Wow, that is a tough question. I think different things work for different people. I hate being restricted in anyway so really for me it's been about being active and everything in moderation. I guess I would need to see what the program entailed and then decide. Restricting me in any way is not good. I love how WW teaches moderation. It works the best for me but again everyone is different.

  6. Nope. I made my own program that works great for me (simple things like high protein, correct portion size, healthy fats, lots of veggies and fruits, tons of water, and exercise).

  7. No, I wouldn't. She's no expert and there are already countless options for exercise programs.

  8. Hi,

    First, no, I wouldn't follow any of Kristi's plans. She has yo-yo'd too much for my liking ;)

    Second, Can you tell me how you track your points? Meaning, do you make a journal of your own, do you buy the weight watchers one, etc. I would LOVE to have a stack of the little paper ones they give at meetings but seeing as how I am no longer a paying customer, they will not give me any. I love the size of those and how they have the small boxes for keeping track of flex points, etc.

    Anyways, just wondering what you (and others) do and if you can offer advice. Thanks!
