Thursday, May 28, 2009

4 days

This may be a bit random, sorry.
Today is the 4th day in a row that I have been able to follow my points! I am not really sure the last time I was able to do that but I am so excited that I can look at my calender now and see that I have stayed on track four days in a row.
Here is a picture of my calender for this week.  Each color represents a different category.
I can uncheck any category I don't want to show and just look at how I have done on my WW.
In the green on the top I plug in how many points I ate each day and the red is for what activity I did and how many calories I burned.  
A notebook works just as well for this don't forget.
Looking back the first three days were pretty easy and temptation free (I think working out makes it easier) today was hard though.  I am not sure exactly what I was craving but I was hungry.  I then realized I hadn't had anything with substantial fiber so I ate some broccoli with a piece of WW American cheese melted on top, so yummy and only 1 point for one cup. I also made sure I drank a big glass of water to help fill me up. I was able to stick to my one planned glass of wine tonight at my work meeting even though they had amazing food they had brought in.
    I wasn't able to get any miles in the past two days but it is better to follow your points and not get in activity that to eat whatever you want and get in a mere half an hour of working out. 
I had this visualization this week that helped me.  
I knew by using my heart rate monitor that I burned the calories equivalent to one party pizza in one workout of walking 5 miles.  It wouldn't take long or really be that hard to eat a whole pizza but it took me over an hour and a lot of effort to burn the same amount of calories.  This made the pizza not worth the effort it would take to burn the calories.
Also I will post about my question from yesterday hopefully tomorrow before bed for all of you who are wondering why I asked such a random question.


  1. I do the same thing with my calender! I dont have a Mac but the google calender looks and functions alot like what you just descriped.

  2. This is a great way to keep track of points. Mac's are the best!

    Sorry for this random comment here but I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and did my run to a book on tape. SO much better. I was able to find a pace that worked well for me and kept with it. When I looked down at my watch I had gone beyond my training for that day and was still running. I think the tempo of the workout songs I was listening to was killing me. Now I hope I can just focus on the book. Thanks for all the great tips here. Love this Blog!!

  3. I use google calendar to do the same type of thing! It really works, and helps keep me focused.
