Friday, April 17, 2009

Some new favorite 1 point foods

Lately I have found two great 1 point foods!
The first one I actually find myself craving. I measure out one cup of frozen broccoli and cook it for 2 minutes in the microwave. I add some salt and then a piece of WW 1 point American cheese and stir till the cheese is melted! I absolutely love it.
The other I have been eating with my coffee in the mornings.
Half a cup of NATURAL applesauce with a spenda mixed in. I use the splenda packets with extra fiber added. Make sure you purchase the natural kind, the already sweetened kind is 3 points for the same amount. You will know you have the right kind if it is 50 calories rather than over 100. With the splenda added it tastes just like the presweetened kind.
Has it shocked anyone else yet that most of the foods we consider kid friendly are super high in points? Macaroni and cheese is one of the most calorie dense foods out there. We grow up regularly eating these foods and then we wonder why we are heavier when we continue to eat them. I know that kid foods are some of my biggest temptations.


  1. It's funny you should mention NATURAL applesauce. I just bought some today to test out the Blackberry-Apple Smoothie recepi on WW online!

  2. Great food ideas...I'll have to try them!

  3. These sound great, thank you! I just joined Weight Watchers (online) yesterday so I was really excited to find your blog!

  4. I know. I have a kiddo. It's a constant internal battle. She is 2, and has no weight issue. Do I feed her the light bread I eat? How about the sugar free foods, sweetened with splenda? Does she have to eat fat free cheese cubes (she loves cheese cubes)? I'm always afraid to introduce a new high calorie food, scared it will replace a healthier food she will eat now. Sigh.

  5. One of my favorite two points foods are the edamame bowls at Costco. Very nutritous and filling.

  6. Mac and cheese.. or any pasta for that matter.. is my guilty pleasure for sure!! I love it!! so im guilty as chargeD!~
