Between my business to a new company and the new Weight Watchers Points Plus program life has been nothing short of a huge adjustment lately. After following the old points system for so long I had all my favorite foods points values memorized making grabbing something on the go easy. Now that all the points values are different and the fact that I am gone from home for 8-12 hour stretches of time the actual number of days I've counted points has been very limited. I loved the old program and I trust that the new program will be just as great if not better than the old. Having to learn a new program has been a bad excuse to not bring food to the office and just grab lunch or dinner while I'm out. The result has been expensive and not nice to all the hard work I've already put in.
One of my favorite changes has been the permission to eat bananas. In the past bananas were way too big of a tradeoff for 2 points in my mind. There were tons of other fruits I would rather eat for half the points value. Now that they aren't so "high" in points I make sure to have one every morning blended in a green monster shake. It contains 1 cup of 2% milk, 1 banana and 1-2 cups of spinach all blended up. If I have bananas that are almost bad I peel them and place them in the freezer, older bananas taste better than green ones. If I don't have any frozen ones I throw in about 10 ice cubes. The GM turns out a bright green color but it tastes similar to a banana milk shake, other than the color there is no hint of the spinach. Click here if you are interested in learning more about the green monster movement.

Working from bed enjoying my 3 point Green Monster.
I actually look forward to drinking this more than my morning coffee. I won't admit this fact to my husband though because I love when he makes my coffee he hands it to me and says this is going to be the best cup of coffee you've ever had.