Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Let me know your opinion

I have a post for later today but first I want your opinion...
If you could have either body which you would rather have?
The first one or the second?
Don't think about which underwear you would rather have. The second picture is a swimsuit.
Please leave me a comment with your answer and I will post the reason behind the question later today!


  1. Hmm, the second. I like the more athletic body. But, I do think the undies in the first picture are adorable! :)

  2. Either, ha ha - no I like the first picture better.

  3. The first, but I think it's because of the underwear! Honestly, they look like they could be the same model, just different angles. If I had another choice, I'd choose someone with a little more muscular arms- her's are super thin!!

  4. I too would take either but I would prefer the more muscular 2nd shot.

  5. The second, she's got great muscle tone! :)

  6. The second appears to have slightly more muscle definition, but both pictures are someone who is very thin. If I had to pick my body type preference, it would be someone who is much more buff!

  7. I will take the 2nd one please and thank you!!

  8. I like the first one best but I still think both of them are too skinny. Don't other people's thighs touch or have bigger arms? The second one looks like she's sucking in her stomach too much and looks uncomfortable to me.

  9. I would like body one! Heck, I'll take either!

  10. I would rather have the second. I like the look of a toned body and she looks like she would carry herself with good (ballet like) posture - you know the shoulders back, butt not sticking out, and stomach muscles held up and back.

  11. I prefer the second - definitely a little more toned, and not just skinny.

    Is this going to be a giveaway? I can only hope you'll be giving away one of these for us to have! :)

  12. I would say body #1. Body #2 looks a little thin.

  13. I think #2. Either would be wonderful though. One day maybe - ;-)

  14. Really I would take either, but I would pick one over two.

  15. I'd love to have number too. Her stomach looks great!!!

  16. I like the first more. It looks a little softer...but I think they're both too skinny.

  17. I'd rather have the first one:)

  18. Probably one, but it could be the same girl though, just from different angles?!?

  19. First one, it looks somewhat more natural. (yeah, like a 10 inch waist is natural haha)

  20. I would love to have either but I think I would pick number 2.

  21. Either one would be thrilling to have after my three c-sections! A flat stomach again!! A girl can dream!! Number two seems a but more muscular though so I guess I would choose that one.

  22. I'd pick #1. She's got nice curves!

  23. I like the second better, but I would take either.

  24. I think I will take my body. It is not perfect, but at least it is not spray painted, either! Besides, a little "meaty" is good! Right?

  25. Could it be the same girl from a different angle? I really like number 2.

  26. I feel like they are the same just different shots.. but I like the second one better

  27. I bet it's the same person, but I want to look like #2!!!

  28. They both have a flat stomach, so I'd be happy looking like either of them!

  29. they look really similar, but I guess number 1. I like that althletic tummy of number 2, but im not sure it would look normal on me.

  30. Definitely #1. Her arms are WAAAAY too skinny in #2.

  31. I'm going with #1...but I'm thinking the same body just different poses.

  32. First one, no question. Much sexier, I think.

  33. I finally got around to reading your latest posts and I want to be the tie-breaker!!!! I would much rather have the stomach of the second one.... I like the definition that her stomach has. I have had two kids and I have fallen off of the weight watchers wagon recently. I know that my stomach won't look like that, but I am going to try!!!! I appreciate your blog so much!
