Hello! I'm still here. I've lost just under 5 lbs since going back to meetings. I am so happy to be attending again since they really help me stay on track.
I figured that I would share with you a current favorite food I got from my Mom. She mixes a serving of low fat cottage cheese (2 pts) and veggies together with a dash of Lawry's seasoning salt. She likes to use celery and peppers but I truthfully can't stand either uncooked so I add in cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and the Lawry's.

It took some courage on my part to try this new creation but I have had it everyday since. For only two points it is pretty filling. You can really load up the cottage cheese with a ton of veggies for no added points to bulk up this up for a meal or snack. I almost triple the amount of food I'm eating rather than just having 1/2 a cup of CC. Cottage Cheese also has a great amount of protein and fat that will keep you full longer.